🚧 This site is a work in progress. Things will continue to be added and changed. 🚧

Who Am I?

My name is Sarah Gerrard and I'm a versatile full-stack developer, technical writer, and devoted open-source enthusiast based out of Canada!

Welcome to my project page! This digital haven serves as a centralized hub for all my works, ideas, and updates—a place where technology takes center stage. Whether you arrived here via a redirection or stumbled upon this page by chance, I'm thrilled to have you as a visitor.

If you're looking for more about me, you can explore my main site (opens in a new tab) for a more through overview. Alternatively, you can continue reading below for a glimpse into my world.

Thank you for joining me on this exciting journey, and I hope you find inspiration and enjoyment during your stay.

What Do I Do?

Full Stack Developer

With my diverse toolkit and expertise in both front-end and back-end development, I possess the ability to create seamless and fully functional websites from start to finish.

My Favourite Projects

Here are some of my favourite projects that I've had the pleasure of working on:

Open Source Contributor

With attention to detail, a commitment to excellence, and a passion for fostering inclusivity and diversity, I aim to empower the community, drive collective progress, and shape an open and vibrant future for software development.

Currently Active In:

Technical Writer

With a passion for clear and concise communication, I write compelling and user-friendly documentation and articles to simplify intricate concepts, engage readers, and ensure seamless understanding and usability.

Latest Blog Posts

Check out my recent thoughts, musings, and knowledge bites about technology and programming:

  1. Unraveling the Magic of the Virtual DOM (opens in a new tab)
  2. Implementing a Linked List (opens in a new tab)
  3. The Importance of Accessible CSS for a User-Friendly Website (opens in a new tab)

View All Blog Posts (opens in a new tab)

Get in Touch

I'm always interested in new opportunities and challenges. If you'd like to chat about a potential project, need help with technical writing, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me.